Precious Legacy Game

Precious LegacyPrecious Legacy Game: Everything we receive from our ancestors as an inheritanceis valuable, no matter what it is. The mere fact that we receive something from our ancestor, even if it does not have a great material value, the sentimental value is great. But still, there is one complicated moment related to inheritance – its distribution. However, the grandfather of the samurai Isamu, our main character today, has found a way that seems appropriate to solve this issue. In Precious Legacy Game: Samurai Isamu, together with his cousin Aimi, are determined to find the inheritance that their grandfather hid somewhere in the village and on their property.

Isamu and Aimi’s grandfather decided that this is the best – whoever finds the inheritance should be his. Let’s help Isamu and Aimi in their search for a valuable inheritance. Let’s search the village of our characters, along with their possessions, and get to what they are looking for. The search for inheritance can start tomorrow. Precious Legacy Game is exactly suitable for the adventure game lovers who want to play a game in their time. You can play it on all devices. So enjoy and have fun.

Also make sure to check Stolen Legacy Game, you may enjoy playing it.

Play Precious Legacy Game