Echoes of Calm Game

Echoes of CalmEchoes of Calm Game: People are always looking for a way to improve their overall condition, both physically and spiritually. The ways to achieve inner peace and complete balance differ, but yoga has been among the most successful for many years. Some practice more dynamic yoga, and some prefer to meditate, but both have proven to be very successful. In Echoes of Calm Game: Deborah, Stephanie, and Timothy are three friends who are lovers of yoga and meditation. Their love for such activities lead them to the Japanese village Shizukawa. This village is the center of meditation, at least that’s what it’s called in Japan.

The reason for that is that the greatest meditation master lives here and has even invented countless meditation techniques. Our friends are very excited because they hope that here they will have the opportunity to perfect their meditation techniques and also to learn from the greatest, which is a great privilege. Let’s take a look at what this Japanese village looks like, but also learn a little more about what attracted our heroes to come there. You can play Echoes of Calm Game on all devices. So enjoy and have fun.

Also make sure to check Echoes from the Dark Game, you may enjoy playing it.

Play Echoes of Calm Game