Escape From Justice Game

Escape From JusticeEscape From Justice Game: Although prisons and police stations should be the best-secured places, criminals often manage to overcome all obstacles and escape. It may not happen very often, but it does happen. No matter how elaborate security strategies are implemented in these places, criminals eager for freedom direct all their attention to that goal – to escape, and they succeed sometimes. In Escape From Justice Game: Detectives Samuel, Nora, and Leo arrive at police station no. 23 where a riot happened.

One very dangerous criminal, who was detained in the station until he was sent to prison, managed to escape. Not just that he managed to escape from the station. During his escape, he managed to take a hostage with him, namely the sheriff of this police station. The situation is really serious in Escape From Justice Game and the fugitive needs to be found as soon as possible, before he is lost or before he does something untoward with the hostage. The detectives immediately start the investigation, so let’s join them. You can play Escape From Justice Game on all devices. So enjoy and have fun.

Also make sure to check Agent Of Justice Game, you may enjoy playing it.

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