Colors of Mystery Game: Artists are generally peaceful people and people who don’t get into unnecessary trouble. And they don’t have any big enemies. That’s why it’s strange that the artist Kenneth is currently in a life-threatening condition. He is in the hospital because he was poisoned, and that’s why he was hospitalized. The whole situation is very serious, and that’s why the police were called to solve this case. In Colors of Mystery Game: The two detectives, Carol and Stephen, are sent to Kenneth’s studio to question how he ended up in such a bad state.
Maybe he poisoned himself with some food or substance. But of course there is a possibility that he was poisoned by someone. The detectives need to investigate all the circumstances; they need to search the entire studio and find some evidence that will help them solve the case. Maybe there is still someone who should bear responsibility for what happened. So let’s help our detectives do their job as successfully as possible and find out how the poisoning happened. Let’s get involved in the investigation and help them. You can play Colors of Mystery Game on all devices. So enjoy and have fun.